SER+POSITIVO by Victor Federico Torres van Grieken @VIK050

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Ayrton Senna TRIBUTE

Al cumplirse 18 años de aquel nefasto 1ero. de Mayo de 1994, somos muchos los que te recordamos (te extrañamos) y elevamos una oración al Altísimo por el
descanso eterno de tu Alma  
      Ayrton "Magic" Senna Da Silva +
                          Q.E.P.D. +  RACE IN PEACE


Great video of the maestro. I can't think of any other racing driver in the history of motorsports whose legacy has made such a strong impact. It's been 18 years since his death, and he's still talked about in just about every F1 race that takes place today. He was loved not just in his country, but the world around for his compassion, for his commitment to his profession and for his determination to win. To me he is and always will be the ultimate driver's driver.
God bless Ayrton Senna!

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