SER+POSITIVO by Victor Federico Torres van Grieken @VIK050

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Puncture “la luz mas brillante puede nacer del lugar más oscuro"...

"The brightest light can be born from the darkest place"
Film basado en la vida del Abogado Michael David Weiss

Algo de Cine:  En películas como ésta es que te das cuenta que una buena actuación puede hacer despertar en ti sentimientos como admiración, rechazo, lastima, indignación, entre otros, hacia el personaje desarrollado; es el caso de su protagonista Chris Evans que encarna a un brillante abogado drogadicto – personaje y film basado en la vida del Abogado Michael David Weiss – la actuación de Chris es muy creíble, te mete como espectador en la vida abstracta de una persona como serios problemas de adicción. A éste actor lo vimos recientemente como Capitán América, personaje que repetirá en Los Vengadores y próximamente en Dime con Cuantos.


“la luz mas brillante puede nacer del lugar más oscuro”

"The brightest light can be born from the darkest place"

Puncture trata específicamente del juicio que llevó el Abogado Weiss contra un imperio de la medicina en USA, es valido destacar que la película expone de manera entendible aspectos de economía, como lo es el libre mercado, monopolio y las practicas restrictivas a la libre competencia (barreras de entrada al mercado). Quizás les pase como a mi, que al principio de la película unas tomas de encuadres peculiar, así como también una fotografía oscura causaron un rechazo ante la película, pero pronto te acostumbras a esos detalles y entiendes la razón por la cual fueron aplicados, causan el efecto deseado, hacerte entrar en una trama turbulenta, de bajo mundo.

La banda sonora del film es idónea para la trama, solo que en oportunidades pasa a ser invasora y hasta agresiva para con uno como espectador. el film contiene escenas rudas por cuanto hay exceso en el consumo de droga, siendo este un factor que perjudicó al Abogado en la cual esta basada la película, no es una novela rosa – para nada – comienza y termina tal cual como sucedió en la vida real.



Michael David Weiss

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Michael "Mike" David Weiss (December 7, 1966 – October 2, 1999) was an American lawyer.

Born in Cleveland, he grew up in Houston.[1] He was made notable by the movie Puncture,
in which he was played by Chris Evans.[2]

Michael David Weiss
Born 1967
Cleveland, Ohio
Died October 2, 1999 (aged 31–32)
Occupation Lawyer


Weiss graduated from Bellaire High School in 1985, where he got to know Paul Danziger, who graduated the year before. They participated together in school debates, where Weiss was the team's captain. He was a national merit scholarship semi-finalist.[3]

Weiss subsequently attended the University of Texas Law School. During his undergraduate years he also studied philosophy for two years at Harvard University and participated as an editor for the Texas Law Review, a student law journal.[4] He graduated from the University of Texas in 1993, with a special honors in philosophy.[1][5]
Career and social involvement

Following his graduation, Weiss clerked for Judge Edith Jones of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. He also worked with two different law firms. He subsequently co-founded the firm Lawson, Weiss & Danziger, alongside his schoolfriend Paul Danziger. During that time, Weiss worked on different political causes and with various people such as Bruce Hotze and Councilman Rob Todd. He also represented a number of clients in commercial and employment law cases. Together with his associates, Weiss co-chaired two successful whistle-blower cases.[5]

Weiss also taught as an assistant professor at the University of Houston Law School and South Texas College of Law. He was a Senior Fellow of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Distinguished Fellow of the Texas Justice Foundation, and a member of the Houston City Club.[1]
Safety syringe case

In 1998, Mike Weiss and Paul Danzinger were approached by an inventor who had trouble selling an auto-retractable and single use syringe (Safety Syringe) because the (GPO) Group Purchasing Organization refused to adopt his new, more expensive, safer syringes.[6][7] The inventor turned his hope toward Mike Weiss and Paul Danzigner with those issues. Together, Mike and Paul brought a lawsuit against the GPOs, the case never went to trial. Several years later Mark Lanier settled the case for 150 million US dollars.[8]
Other deaths related to the GPO investigation

Following the civil case, a criminal investigation had been previously initiated by the US Attorney's Dallas office against the GPOs. Unfortunately, the two US attorneys working on the investigation both died under mysterious circumstances. The 13th September 2004, Shannon K. Ross died suddenly because of an inflammation of the meninges, spinal cord, and roots of the spinal nerves, scientifically called meningomyeloradiculitis.[9] The 18th October 2004 (35 days later), Thelma Quince Colbert was found drowned in his pool at the age of 55. Afterwards three other assistant US attorneys working on that case were fired or forced to resign. The investigation was then called off.[10][11][12][13]

Weiss died at the age of 32, Saturday the 2nd October 1999. Weiss' memorial service was held at The United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit Ceremonial Courtroom.[5] The official cause of his death is from a drug overdose. The authorities did not pursue further investigation.

Wednesday 10/06/1999 Houston Chronicle, Section Unknown, Page , Edition [1]
Puncture the movie, unofficial website
Friend with Paul Danzigner
Texas Law Review, student journal
Trivia from Puncture
[2]Hijacking At The Hospital
"Syringe Manufacturer Settles Claim of Market Manipulation"
The New York Times. 2004-07-03. Retrieved 25 November 2011.
Texas assistant U.S. attorney deaths raise foul play questions[3]
Senate ignored 5 Texas asst. U.S. attorney deaths and firings at Gonzales hearing[4]
US Attorney Todd Graves in Missouri: The ninth victim of Gonzogate[5][6]
Former MO US Attorney Todd Graves the Ninth Attorney Targeted by Alberto Gonzales[7]
The Ninth Man Out: A Fired U.S. Attorney Tells His Story.


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Mil Gracias por su visita en SER+POSITIVO y por dejar su comentario. Esperamos seguir disfrutando de sus visitas.
Un abrazo de luz y muchas bendiciones.